IC3600STKP1 - Temperature Control Peak Board

IC3600STKP1 - Temperature Control Peak Board IC3600STKP1 - Temperature Control Peak Board

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Part No: IC3600STKP1
Manufacturer: General Electric
Function: Temperature Control Peak Board
Series: Mark I and II
Repair: 3-7 Day
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacturer: United States (USA)

Functional Description

IC3600STKP1 is a temperature control peak board developed by GE. It is a part of Mark I and II control system. It integrates and processes temperature signals from multiple thermocouples, ensuring accuracy through averaging and compensation. These processed signals are then used to modulate VCE, contributing to precise temperature regulation within the system. The board is a fundamental component in temperature control systems integrated into industrial processes and equipment.


  • Thermocouple Signals Integration: The primary function is to process temperature signals. These temperature signals are typically sourced from 12 Chromel-Alumel thermocouples strategically placed at selected points within the turbine exhaust duct. These thermocouple signals are instrumental in monitoring the temperature within the system.
  • Averaging and Compensation: The thermocouple signals collected from these 112 thermocouples are subjected to an averaging process, which provides a more comprehensive and representative temperature reading. Additionally, cold junction compensation is applied to account for temperature variations at the junction point.
  • Modulation of VCE: Once the averaging and compensation processes are completed, the resulting temperature signals are then combined or summed with reference signals. This combined signal is used to modulate the output voltage (VCE), which has a direct impact on the temperature control process.
  • Reference Signals: The reference signals can consist of several components, with the most common being the base reference and ambient compensation. These reference signals are crucial for providing a baseline for temperature control.
  • Temperature Control Loop: A typical temperature control system comprises the Temperature Control Cards and a Thermocouple Processing Module. The inputs to the Thermocouple Processing Module are two signals, each representing an average signal from six out of the twelve Chromel-Alumel thermocouples placed in the turbine exhaust duct. These averaged thermocouple signals undergo cold junction compensation and amplification within the cards, resulting in two voltage signals that are directly proportional to the temperature within the exhaust duct.

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What is IC3600STKP1?
It is a Temperature Control Peak Board developed by GE

How does the board process temperature signals?
It processes temperature signals from 12 Chromel-Alumel thermocouples situated strategically within the turbine exhaust duct. These signals are collected, averaged, and compensated for cold junction variations to ensure accurate temperature readings.

What is the purpose of the temperature signal averaging and compensation processes?
The averaging and compensation processes ensure that the temperature readings obtained from multiple thermocouples are accurate and representative, accounting for any variations in temperature at the junction points.

How are these processed temperature signals utilized for temperature control?
The processed temperature signals are combined with reference signals and used to modulate the output voltage (VCE). This modulation directly influences and regulates the temperature within the system.