World Of Controls understands the criticality of your requirement and works towards reducing the lead time as much as possible.

IC3600SQIA1A - HMI is available in stock which ships the same day.

IC3600SQIA1A - HMI comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

To avail our best deals for IC3600SQIA1A - HMI, contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


Part No.: IC3600SQIA1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Product Type: HMI
Series: Mark I and II

IC3600SQIA1A is an HMI component developed by GE. This is a small circuit board with a front faceplate attached to it. This device weighs about 0.38 pounds before being packaged for transportation.

  • The unit's faceplate has two rotary dials, each of which is connected to a potentiometer on the board's surface. These are numbered 0 to 10, as well as "slow" and "rev." This enables variable-resistant modifications to the board's parameters.
  • A single yellow polypropylene capacitor is used in the unit. Capacitors store additional energy for the circuit board by creating an electrical field. There are twenty-two little dark brown striped resistors and two huge dark brown resistors on the board.
  • The resistors' stripes are used to determine how much energy can be controlled. Twenty-five male terminal prongs face vertically and twenty-five faces horizontally on the card. These prongs link the PCB to the circuit boards around it.

The most extensive assortment of turbine control components can be found at World of Controls. Please contact us as soon as possible if you require turbine control spare parts.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is IC3600SQIA1A?
IC3600SQIA1A is an HMI component developed by GE.

How to Obtain IC3600SQIA1A?
World of Controls provides turbine control products worldwide. Contact WOC.