IC3600SOSG1D - LVDT Oscillator Card

IC3600SOSG1D - LVDT Oscillator Card IC3600SOSG1D - LVDT Oscillator Card

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IC3600SOSG1D - LVDT Oscillator Card is available in stock which ships the same day.

IC3600SOSG1D - LVDT Oscillator Card comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part Number: IC3600SOSG1D
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)
Series: Mark I & II
Function: LVDT Oscillator Card

IC3600SOSG1D is a LVDT Oscillator Card developed by General Electric. GE Speedtronic Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) Oscillator Card is a part of the Mark I and II series used in the gas turbine control systems. An LVDT Oscillator card is a type of analog input card used in data acquisition systems to measure linear displacement. The LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) is a sensor that converts linear position into an electrical signal. The oscillator card converts the electrical signal from the LVDT into a usable output signal, typically a voltage or current, which can be read by a data acquisition system. The oscillator card typically includes amplifiers and filters to condition the LVDT signal and provide a stable output signal.


  • LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) is used in turbine control systems to measure the position of various components, such as blades, vanes, and nozzles, for the purpose of monitoring and controlling the performance of the turbine.
  • By measuring the position of these components, the LVDT helps determine the flow of gas through the turbine, which is critical for optimizing its performance and ensuring its safe operation.
  • The output signal from the LVDT is processed by the control system to provide feedback on the position of the components, which can be used to make adjustments to the turbine's operation to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and prevent damage to the equipment.

WOC supports a large number of GE Speedtronic Mark I and II parts. Please contact us if you require additional information or have a question.


What is IC3600SOSG1D?
It is a LVDT Oscillator Card developed by General Electric

How to Check Price and Availability For SOSG1D?
Please Contact World of Controls FZE for sales at +1 609 385 1231 or Request a Quote.

How long does it take WOC to repair my boards?
Your boards will be repaired by WOC in 3 to 5 business days. WOC also offers up to 24 months customer satisfaction warranty on all repairs.