IC3600EPSX1D1B - Voltage Regulator Circuit Board

IC3600EPSX1D1B - Voltage Regulator Circuit Board IC3600EPSX1D1B - Voltage Regulator Circuit Board

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Part Number: IC3600EPSX1D1B
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark I & II
Product Type: Voltage Regulator Circuit Board
Number of relay channels: 12
Power supply voltage: 28 V dc
Technology: Surface mount
Redundancy: Type Simplex, Dual, TMR
Operating temperature: -40 to +70°C
Size: 15.9 cm high x 17.8 cm
Weight: 0.8kg
Repair: 3-7 Day
Availability: In Stock
Country of Origin: United States


IC3600EPSX1D1B is a Voltage Regulator Circuit Board manufactured and designed by General Electric as part of the Mark I & II Series used in GE Speedtronic Turbine Control Systems. A voltage regulator circuit board, often referred to as a voltage regulator PCB, is an electronic component or board that is designed to control and maintain a stable output voltage regardless of variations in the input voltage or load conditions. This is crucial in many electronic devices and systems to ensure that sensitive components receive a consistent and appropriate voltage. Here's a basic explanation of the key components and principles of a voltage regulator circuit board:

Input Voltage: The voltage regulator board takes an input voltage, which can vary over a specified range, and produces a regulated output voltage.

Voltage Reference: A stable voltage reference is used as a comparison point to the output voltage. This reference voltage is often generated using precision components like Zener diodes or bandgap voltage references.

Error Amplifier: An error amplifier compares the reference voltage to the output voltage and generates an error signal, which is the difference between the desired voltage and the actual output voltage.

Control Element: The error signal is used to control the output voltage. The control element, often a transistor or integrated circuit, adjusts the output voltage as needed to minimize the error.

Feedback Loop: A feedback loop connects the output voltage to the error amplifier. This loop continuously monitors and adjusts the output voltage, maintaining it at the desired level.

Filtering and Protection: Voltage regulators often include filtering components to reduce noise and protect against voltage spikes or transients. This helps ensure a clean and stable output voltage.

Output Voltage: The regulated output voltage is the primary function of the voltage regulator board, and it's designed to remain nearly constant, even if the input voltage or load conditions change.

Current Limiting: Some voltage regulators incorporate current limiting to protect against excessive current draw or short circuits.

WOC has the largest stock of GE Speedtronic Control System Replacement Parts. We can also repair your faulty boards. WORLD OF CONTROLS can also supply unused and rebuilt backed-up with a warranty. Our team of experts is available round the clock to support your OEM needs. Our team of experts at WOC is happy to assist you with any of your automation requirements. For pricing and availability on any parts and repairs, kindly get in touch with our team by phone or email.


What is a voltage regulator circuit board?

A voltage regulator circuit board is an electronic component that ensures a stable output voltage despite variations in the input voltage or load conditions. It is used in electronic devices to provide a consistent power supply to sensitive components.

Why is voltage regulation important?

Voltage regulation is essential to prevent sensitive electronic components from being damaged due to voltage fluctuations. It ensures that devices receive the correct and stable voltage they need to operate properly.

What are the different types of voltage regulator circuit boards?

There are two main types: linear voltage regulators and switching voltage regulators. Linear regulators are simple and suitable for low-power applications while switching regulators are more efficient and suitable for high-power and battery-powered devices.