IS215UCVEM03A - Single-slot Module

IS215UCVEM03A - Single-slot Module IS215UCVEM03A - Single-slot Module

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Part No.: IS215UCVEM03A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
PROFIBUS Interface: PROFIBUS DP master class 1
Temperature Operating: -30 to 65 o C
Microprocessor: Intel Celeron 300 MHz
Operating System: QNX
Product Type: Single-slot Module
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VI

Functional Description

IS215UCVEM03A is a Single-slot Module developed by GE. It is part of Mark VI control system. With a single 10BaseT/100BaseTX (RJ-45) Ethernet port, the UCVEM facilitates seamless connectivity to the Universal Display Hub (UDH), enabling efficient data exchange and communication within the Mark VI system. Moreover, the UCVEM supports the integration of additional Ethernet ports and Profibus, further enhancing connectivity options and flexibility for system integration.

Module LEDs

  • Power Status LED (Left): The Power Status LED, positioned on the left side of the module, serves as an indicator of the power status. Its illumination provides a quick visual confirmation of whether the module is powered on or off.
  • Flash Activity LED (Middle): Located in the middle section of the module, the Flash Activity LED is responsible for indicating activity related to flash memory operations. When data is being read from or written to the flash memory, this LED will blink or exhibit activity, providing feedback on the ongoing operations.
  • VME Bus SYSFAIL LED (Right): On the right-hand side of the module, the VME Bus SYSFAIL LED serves as an indicator for the status of the VME bus. If there are any failures or issues detected on the VME bus, this LED will illuminate, alerting users to potential bus-related problems that require attention.

Module Components

  • Status LEDs: The Status LEDs play a crucial role in providing visual feedback on the operational status of various components within the system.
  • PROFIBUS 1 and 2 - PROFIBUS Serial Interface: The PROFIBUS 1 and PROFIBUS 2 interfaces facilitate communication via the PROFIBUS protocol. These interfaces enable data exchange between the controller and other PROFIBUS-compatible devices in the system. The Transmit Active LED indicates when data transmission is active on the PROFIBUS network.
  • ETHERNET 1 - Primary Ethernet Port: ETHERNET 1 serves as the primary Ethernet port for communication with the Universal Digital Hub (UDH) and other networked devices. It facilitates communication using protocols such as TCP/IP and enables access to the toolbox interface for configuration and monitoring purposes. Additionally, it includes a monitor port and a keyboard/mouse port, which are designated for internal use by GE personnel.
  • COM1 and COM2 - RS-232C Ports: COM1 and COM2 are RS-232C serial communication ports with distinct purposes. COM1 is primarily used for the initial setup and configuration of the controller, providing a convenient interface for communication during the setup process. COM2, on the other hand, serves as a general-purpose serial communication port, enabling communication with external devices or systems using the RS-232C protocol.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VI requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS215UCVEM03A?
It is a Single-slot Module developed by GE under the Mark VI series.

What are the baud rates supported by COM2 on the Mark VI system for serial Modbus communication?
COM2 on the Mark VI system supports baud rates of either 9600 or 19200 for serial Modbus communication.

What do the status LEDs indicate on the Mark VI system?
The status LEDs on the Mark VI system have two sections. The top section indicates the Active status, where blinking signifies activity and solid illumination indicates inactivity. The bottom section indicates the Link status, where a yellow light indicates a 10BaseT connection and a green light indicates a 100BaseTX connection.