IS215ACLAH1AS - Application Control Layer Module

IS215ACLAH1AS - Application Control Layer Module IS215ACLAH1AS - Application Control Layer Module

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Part No.: IS215ACLAH1AS
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Number of channels: 24
Temperature: 0 to 60oC
Size: 26.04 cm high x 1.99 cm wide x 18.73 cm deep
Manual: GEI-100434A
LED: OK, Active, Status, ENet, and Flash
Connector Types: P3 Ethernet Interface and COM 1/2 Interface Connectors
Power Requirements:15 V dc or 5 V dc
Product Type: Application Control Layer Module
Availability: In Stock
Series: EX2100

Functional Description

IS215ACLAH1AS is an Application Control Layer Module developed by GE. It is a part of EX2100 excitation system. The Application Control Layer Module (ACL) is a sophisticated microprocessor-based master controller designed to fulfill diverse functions across communication networks such as EthernetTM and ISBus. The board deployment versatility and robust features make it a crucial component in the control system.


  • Microprocessor-Based Control: The ACL serves as a pivotal control unit, executing various tasks within the system over communication networks like EthernetTM and ISBus.
  • Mounting and Location: It is designed to mount within a standard Innovation Series drive or EX2100 exciter board rack, occupying two half-slots. These racks are typically situated within the control cabinet, providing centralized control functionality.
  • Connection Interfaces: In drive applications, the ACL's P1 connector, featuring a 4-row 128-pin configuration, seamlessly plugs into the Control Assembly Backplane Board (CABP). In EX2100 exciters, the ACL integrates into the Exciter Backplane (EBKP), ensuring compatibility and streamlined connectivity.
  • I/O Configuration Options: This variant of the ACL module is equipped with one 10BaseT Ethernet port and two serial communication ports (COM1 and COM2). It is specifically tailored for use in the EX2100 exciter system, offering versatile communication capabilities essential for seamless operation.

PCI Controller

  • Memory Transfers: The PCI controller efficiently manages all memory transfers between the CPU and devices connected to the PCI bus. These transfers typically involve normal read and write operations initiated by the CPU to access data stored in memory locations within the connected devices.
  • I/O Transfers: Similar to memory transfers, the PCI controller handles input and output (I/O) operations between the CPU and PCI devices. These operations involve the exchange of data between the CPU and I/O devices connected to the PCI bus, enabling seamless communication and control.
  • Configuration Handling: Configuration transfers involve reading and writing configuration registers within PCI devices to initialize and manage device settings. Unlike memory and I/O transfers, configuration reads and writes require specific handling. They are accessed as 32-bit transfers by first writing the configuration address to an I/O port and then accessing another I/O port to perform the actual read or write operation on the configuration register.
  • Normal Reads/Writes: Memory and I/O transfers utilize normal read and write operations from the CPU to access data stored in memory or communicate with I/O devices connected to the PCI bus.
  • Configuration Transfers: Configuration reads and writes necessitate a specialized approach, requiring the CPU to initiate 32-bit transfers by first specifying the configuration address via an I/O port and then performing the actual read or write operation on the configuration register via another I/O port.
  • Efficiency and Performance: The PCI controller ensures efficient data transfer and configuration management, optimizing system performance and ensuring seamless communication between the CPU and PCI devices. By effectively managing memory, I/O, and configuration transfers, the PCI controller plays a crucial role in enhancing system reliability and overall functionality.


  • Flash Memory Device:
    • The BIOS is stored in a 1 MB (128 KB x 8) flash memory device, ensuring non-volatile storage of essential system firmware.
    • It is typically mounted in a socket on the Application Control Layer (ACL), providing easy access and flexibility for firmware updates and maintenance.
  • Basic BIOS Settings:
    • BIOS settings can be accessed and configured through the toolbox or setup utility, offering users control over various system parameters and configurations.
  • Video Display Redirection:
    • In the absence of a video BIOS or PC/104 VGA board, the BIOS automatically redirects the video display to COM1, ensuring continued system functionality and user accessibility even without a dedicated video output device.
  • BIOS Sections:
    • The flash memory BIOS is logically divided into three main sections, each serving distinct purposes:
    • Main BIOS: Responsible for core system initialization and hardware management, ensuring proper functioning of essential system components during boot-up.
    • BIOS Setup Utility: Provides a user-friendly interface for accessing and configuring BIOS settings, allowing users to customize system parameters and preferences.
  • GE Industrial Systems Extended BIOS: Enhances the standard BIOS functionality with additional features and capabilities tailored for industrial applications, further optimizing system performance and reliability.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your EX2100 requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS215ACLAH1AS?
It is an Application Control Layer Module developed by GE under the EX2100 series.

Where is the BIOS located?
The BIOS is typically mounted in a socket on the Application Control Layer (ACL), allowing for easy access and updates as needed.

How can BIOS settings be configured?
The settings can be configured through either the toolbox or setup utility, offering users control over various system parameters and configurations.

What happens if there's no video BIOS or VGA board?
In the absence of a dedicated video output device, such as a video BIOS or PC/104 VGA board, the BIOS automatically redirects the video display to COM1 to ensure continued system functionality.