IS200VAICH1CBA - Analog Input Board

IS200VAICH1CBA - Analog Input Board IS200VAICH1CBA - Analog Input Board

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Part No.: IS200VAICH1CBA
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Size: 13 in. x 7 in.
Temperature rating: 0 to 60 oC
Number of Channels: 13
Product Type: Analog Input Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VI

Functional Description

IS200VAICH1CBA is an analog input board developed by GE. It is a part of Mark VI control system. VAIC accepts 20 analog inputs, which are monitored for various parameters or signals within the system. It controls four analog outputs, providing the capability to influence or adjust system parameters based on digital commands.


  • Terminal Board Connection: Each analog input terminal board accommodates ten inputs and two outputs. Cables connect these terminal boards to the VME rack where the VAIC processor board is located. This setup facilitates efficient data transmission between the terminal boards and the processor board.
  • Signal Conversion and Transfer: Input Conversion: The processor board converts the analog inputs into digital values, ensuring accurate representation of the monitored signals. These digital values are then transferred over the VME backplane to the VCMI board.
  • Output Conversion: For outputs, it converts digital values into analog currents. These analog currents are then driven through the terminal board into the customer circuit, enabling precise control and adjustment of system parameters.
  • System Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other system components, such as the VCMI board and the controller. This integration ensures smooth data transfer and communication throughout the system, facilitating efficient monitoring and control operations.
  • Expansion and Configuration: To monitor 20 inputs, the VAIC requires two terminal boards, allowing for scalability and flexibility in system configuration. The VAIC's design accommodates various analog input and output requirements, providing versatility to meet the diverse needs of different applications.


  • Power down the VME Processor Rack: Before installing the board, ensure that the VME processor rack is powered down to prevent any electrical hazards or system malfunctions during the installation process.
  • Slide in the VAIC Board: Slide the board into the designated slot within the VME processor rack. Ensure that the board is inserted in the correct orientation to align with the edge connectors.
  • Secure the Edge Connectors: With the board properly inserted, use your hands to push the top and bottom levers inward. This action helps seat the edge connectors firmly into their corresponding slots within the rack.
  • Tighten Captive Screws: Once the board is securely seated, tighten the captive screws located at the top and bottom of the front panel. These screws ensure that the board remains firmly in place within the rack, preventing any movement or dislodgement during operation.

Fault Detection

  • Monitoring D/A Outputs, Output Currents, and Total Current: The system continuously monitors the Digital-to-Analog (D/A) outputs, including their corresponding output currents and the total current drawn by the system. Any deviations from expected values trigger alarms or alerts to notify operators of potential issues.
  • Monitoring Suicide Relay and Scaling Relays: The system also monitors the status of critical relays, such as the suicide relay and scaling relays, which play key roles in maintaining system integrity and ensuring proper signal scaling. Any discrepancies or failures in relay operation prompt immediate attention and remedial action.
  • Comparing Input Signals with Voted Value: Input signals are compared against the voted value, which represents the expected or desired signal level determined through redundancy or voting mechanisms. Any significant deviations between the actual input signals and the voted value are flagged for further investigation.
  • Checking Difference Against TMR Limit: In Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) configurations, where multiple redundant components operate in parallel, the system checks for differences between the redundant input signals. If the variation exceeds predefined TMR limits, it indicates a potential fault or discrepancy that requires attention.
  • Detecting Failed I/O Chip: In cases where faults are attributed to hardware failures, such as a failed Input/Output (I/O) chip, the system employs diagnostic routines to detect and isolate the faulty component. This ensures prompt replacement and restoration of system functionality.

The WOC team is always available to help you with your Mark VI requirements. For more information, please contact WOC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IS200VAICH1CBA?
It is an analog input board developed by GE under the Mark VI series.

How does the system monitor analog input signals exceeding predefined limits?
The system employs several monitoring mechanisms, including continuous monitoring of D/A outputs, output currents, total current, suicide relay status, scaling relays, and comparison of input signals with the voted value.

What is the role of the suicide relay and scaling relays in fault detection?
Suicide relay and scaling relays are critical for maintaining system integrity and proper signal scaling. Monitoring their status helps detect any discrepancies or failures that may impact system operation.

What is Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR), and how does the system utilize it in fault detection?
TMR involves redundant components operating in parallel. The system compares input signals from redundant sources and checks for differences against predefined TMR limits to detect potential faults or discrepancies.