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DS200TBCBG1AZZ - TERMINATION(C)ANALOG is available in stock which ships the same day.

DS200TBCBG1AZZ - TERMINATION(C)ANALOG comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

To avail our best deals for DS200TBCBG1AZZ - TERMINATION(C)ANALOG, contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


Part Number: DS200TBCBG1AZZ
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark V
Function: Terminal Input Out Circuit Board

General Electric Speedtronic Mark V DS200TBCBG1AZZ is a termination analog card and it's a part of the Mark V LM series of turbine control systems. The DS200TBCBG1AZZ can be installed among other I/O control boards in a Mark V turbine control cabinet. Within the cabinet, there are four portions of these boards. Within an I/O control section, there are 9 total slots, and the TBCB board normally occupies one of the bigger slots below a sequence of 5 smaller boards. The DS200TBCBG1AZZ is also known as an RTD Termination Module with 4-20 mA Input (TBCB).

  • This board is a part of the R5> core. The input signals received by this board are transmitted to the TCCB board, where they are written on the board. The TCCB board can also be found in the R5> core. A total of eight of the standard input signals can be transformed to 0-1 mA input signals.
  • The DS200TBCBG1AZZ does not have any software options, however, it does have hardware configurations. The DCOM must be connected to the BJ1 to BJ22 input signals. Signals 15-22 are transformed to a 0-1mA current range using the BJ23 to BJ30 input signals.
  • WORLD OF CONTROLS can also supply UNUSED and REBUILT DS200TBCBG1AZZ backed up with a warranty of 24 months. Our team of experts is available round the clock to support your DS200TBCBG1AZZ needs.
  • Our sales team at WOC is happy to assist you with any of your automation requirements. Please contact our staff by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.



What is the number of inputs on the DS200TBCBG1AZZ?

The DS200TBCBG1AZZ has a total of 36 inputs. It has 22 milliamp transducer inputs. It features 14 3-wire RTD inputs.

What kind of CPU is DS200TBCBG1AZZ?

A board for the Common Data Processor is the DS200TBCBG1AZZ. The analog signals for the Common Data Processor are provided by the DS200TBCBG1AZZ.

What signals have been received by DS200TBCBG1AZZ?

The DS200TBCBG1AZZ is equipped with RTD and milliamp input signals. On the DS200TBCBG1AZZ, 8 of the 4-20 mA input signals can be changed to 0-1 mA input signals through hardware jumpers.