DS200SSBAG1A - Drive Snubber Board

DS200SSBAG1A - Drive Snubber Board DS200SSBAG1A - Drive Snubber Board

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DS200SSBAG1A - Drive Snubber Board is available in stock which ships the same day.

DS200SSBAG1A - Drive Snubber Board comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

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Part Number: DS200SSBAG1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark V
Product Type: Drive Snubber Board
Repair: 3-7 Day
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacturer: United States (USA)
Manual: GEI-100161

Functional Description

DS200SSBAG1A is a Drive Snubber Board developed by GE. It is a part of the Mark V Series used in GE Speedtronic Control Systems. The board serves a crucial role in the functioning of the DC300/2000 drives. It works in conjunction with other components to provide snubber functionality, which helps control and manage electrical energy within the drive system. It is specifically designed for use with DC300/2000 drives. It is optimized to work seamlessly with these drives, ensuring reliable and efficient performance. The component is equipped with two AZ CAP K90017-437 batteries. These batteries, rated at 660 VAC, play a vital role in the overall operation of the board, providing necessary power and backup capabilities. It features a 2-pin FCPL connector. This connector allows for the secure and proper connection of cables, facilitating communication and electrical signal transfer within the board.


  • Connector and Capacitors: The GE DC300 Drive Snubber Board features a 2-pin connector and three capacitors. The 2-pin connector is used for connecting specific cables, while the capacitors serve important functions within the board's circuitry.
  • Terminal Posts: The board is equipped with four posts for attaching cables. Three of these posts are designed to connect to cables attached to a component on the board. The factory provides printed materials that guide the proper attachment of the cables to the terminals.
  • Cable Identification: During the replacement process, it is essential to examine the cables on the defective board and ensure that the cables on the replacement board are attached to the same terminals. If there is a fourth cable attached to the defective board, it should be tagged with the ID of the corresponding terminal.
  • Efficient Cable Attachment: If there is a cable attached to the 2-pin connector, it is recommended to tag the cable with the connector ID printed on the board. This labeling ensures a faster and easier attachment of the cable to the replacement board.
  • Secure Board Removal: When removing the board, it is important to support it properly to prevent any damage. The four screws should be removed with one hand while using the other hand to support the board. The board should then be carefully lifted out of the drive, ensuring it does not hit or bump into the sides of the cabinet opening.
  • Safe Placement: After removing the board, it should be placed on a clean and dry surface, such as a desk or bench. This ensures that the board remains protected and free from any potential damage or contamination.

WOC is happy to assist you with any of your GE requirements. Please contact us by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.


What is DS200SSBAG1A?
It is a Drive Snubber Board developed by GE

What is the function of the AZ CAP K90017-437 batteries on the board?
It is equipped with two AZ CAP K90017-437 batteries. These batteries, rated at 660 VAC, play a vital role in the overall operation of the board. They provide necessary power and backup capabilities to support the drive system's functionality.

What type of connector does it feature?
It features a 2-pin FCPL connector. This connector allows for secure and proper connection of cables, facilitating communication and electrical signal transfer within the board.

How should I handle the cable attachment during replacement?
During the replacement process, it is essential to examine the cables on the defective board and ensure that the cables on the replacement board are attached to the same terminals. If there is a fourth cable attached to the defective board, it should be tagged with the corresponding terminal ID. Additionally, if there is a cable attached to the 2-pin connector, it is recommended to tag the cable with the connector ID printed on the board for efficient attachment.