DS200KLDBG1A - Display Keypad Board

DS200KLDBG1A - Display Keypad Board DS200KLDBG1A - Display Keypad Board

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Part Number: DS200KLDBG1A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: EX2000
Availability: In Stock
Product Type: Key/LED/Display Board
Power Requirements: +5 V dc, 6 A
Number of input channels: 24
Number of relay channels: 12
Trip Solenoid Rating: 125 V dc
Power supply voltage: 28 V dc
Voltage Range: 18 - 32 VDC
Operating temperature: 40 to 70°C
Size: 33.0 cm high x 17.8 cm
Country of Manufacture: United States (USA)

Functional Description

DS200KLDBG1A is a Key/LED/Display Board developed by General Electric. This module is a part of the EX2000 Series used in GE Excitation Systems. The module functions as an LCD display board. It provides a graphical LCD display and a keypad with LED indicators that allow users to interact with the system. The keypad allows users to navigate through the display and adjust the excitation system's settings. The module is built with high-quality components and undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets GE's standards for performance and reliability.


  • With a total of 24 input channels, the component allows for the connection of multiple external devices or signals. These input channels enable the board to receive information and commands from various sources within the system.
  • Additionally, the board features 12 relay channels, which provide switching capabilities to control external devices or activate specific functions based on the received input signals.
  • The trip solenoid rating is 125 V dc, indicating its ability to handle high voltage requirements for trip-related functions within the system.
  • The board is a rectangular-shaped device that offers a range of features to enhance its functionality and usability within the specified unit or system.
  • One notable feature of the board is the presence of pre-drilled drill holes in each corner and the middle of each edge. These strategically placed holes enable the secure attachment of specific hardware, such as screws or standoffs. By using screws, the board can be firmly secured within the unit or enclosure, ensuring stability and preventing any unwanted movement or displacement. Alternatively, standoffs can be used to secure other components directly onto the surface of the board, promoting efficient integration and maximizing available space.
  • It is equipped with seven LED sixteen-segment displays. These displays serve as visual indicators that can present numerical data in a clear and easily readable format. The LED technology ensures high visibility, even in various lighting conditions. The numerical data displayed on these LED displays can provide important information about different parameters or variables relevant to the operation of the turbine or system.
  • Furthermore, the board is designed to be compatible with sensors that can measure various parameters in real-time. These sensors can be connected to the display board, allowing the captured data to be instantly displayed on the LED sixteen-segment displays. By monitoring this real-time data, the operator of the turbine or system can gain valuable insights into its performance. This information enables them to make timely adjustments and take necessary actions to ensure safe and efficient operation. Whether it's monitoring temperature, pressure, speed, or other relevant parameters, having this data readily available on the display board empowers the operator to make informed decisions.
  • It offers a rectangular shape with pre-drilled drill holes for secure hardware attachment. It features seven LED sixteen-segment displays for clear numerical data presentation. By connecting sensors to the board, real-time data can be displayed, enabling the operator to monitor and adjust the turbine's performance for safe and efficient operation.

System Software Design

  • The system software design of the exciter application is structured to emulate traditional analog controls while leveraging the advantages of an open architecture system. This design approach allows for flexibility, modularity, and the utilization of pre-existing software blocks.
  • The software is constructed using a library of software blocks that perform specific functions, such as logical AND gates, proportional integral (P.I.) regulators, function generators, and signal level detectors. Each block is designed to execute a particular control operation or algorithm. By interconnecting these software blocks in a specific pattern, complex control systems can be created to meet the requirements of the exciter application.
  • To configure the software blocks, software jumpers in the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) can be set. For example, the under-excitation limit (UEL) function can be included as an AC regulator input by appropriately configuring the software jumpers. By assigning RAM locations where the input values are stored, the relevant software block is enabled, taking into account parameters such as megawatts, kilovolts, and megavars.
  • The output of the UEL software block is then connected to an AC regulator summing junction input, enabling it to influence the overall control process. The software blocks are implemented sequentially by the block interpreter according to the specified order and rate defined in the toolbox. This sequential execution ensures that the control system operates in a coordinated manner.
  • During operation, the toolbox provides the capability to interrogate the running blockware. It allows users to observe and analyze the dynamically changing input and output values of each software block. This real-time monitoring of the blockware's I/O behavior is similar to using a voltmeter to trace an analog signal. It enables users to gain insights into the system's performance and aids in diagnosing any issues or making adjustments as needed.

Product Attributes

  • LCD Display: The module is equipped with a graphical LCD display that shows important system parameters such as voltage, current, and frequency. The display is easy to read and provides operators with critical information about the performance of the excitation system.
  • Keypad with LED Indicators: The module has a keypad with LED indicators that allow users to navigate through the display and adjust the excitation system's settings. The LED indicators provide clear visual feedback to operators, making it easy to monitor the system's status.
  • User-friendly Interface: The module is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for the EX2000 excitation system, allowing operators to monitor and control the system with ease. The interface is intuitive and easy to use, making it accessible to operators of all skill levels.
  • High-Quality Components: It is built with high-quality components and undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets GE's standards for performance and reliability. The module is designed to operate in demanding environments and can withstand harsh conditions.

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What is DS200KLDBG1A?
It is a Key/LED/Display Board developed by General Electric

How is the UEL connected to the ac regulator summing junction input?
The UEL output is connected to an ac regulator summing junction input.

What is the role of the block interpreter?
The block interpreter implements the software blocks sequentially in the order and at the rate specified in the toolbox.

Can the toolbox be used to monitor the software blocks while they are running?
Yes, the toolbox can be used to interrogate the blockware while it is running. In operation, the dynamically changing I/O of each block can be seen.