IS220PCNOH1B - CANopen Communications

IS220PCNOH1B - CANopen Communications IS220PCNOH1B - CANopen Communications

World Of Controls understands the criticality of your requirement and works towards reducing the lead time as much as possible.

IS220PCNOH1B - CANopen Communications is available in stock which ships the same day.

IS220PCNOH1B - CANopen Communications comes in UNUSED as well as REBUILT condition.

To avail our best deals for IS220PCNOH1B - CANopen Communications, contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


Part Number: IS220PCNOH1B
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark VIe
Function: I/O Pack

GE Speedtronic Mark VIe IS220PCNOH1B is an I/O PACK CANopen Interface module and it is a part of the Mark VIe Series. CANopen Interface Converts PCs into CANopen masters that can connect to and communicate with CANopen networks from third parties. CANopen is a higher-level communication protocol based on the physical layer of the controller area network (CAN). The processor board in many I/O packs has been migrated from a BPPB to a BPPC as part of the continued support for the Mark VIe controls platform.

To use the new BPPC-based I/O packs, you must meet two requirements: The processor board in numerous I/O packs has been transferred as part of the ongoing support for the Mark VIe controls platform.

  • ControlST V04.04.xx or later is required for the Mark VIe system.
  • BPPC I/O Upgrade V05.01.05 must be used to upgrade the firmware of the I/O pack(s).

WOC has the largest stock of Speedtronic Mark VIe control spares and we can repair your faulty IS220PCNOH1B with a warranty of 12 months. WORLD OF CONTROLS can also supply UNUSED and REBUILT IS220PCNOH1B backed up with a warranty of 24 months. Our team of experts is available round the clock to support your IS220PCNOH1B needs. Our sales team at WOC is happy to assist you with any of your automation requirements. Please contact our staff by phone or email for pricing and availability on any parts and repairs.


What is GE Mark VIe IS220PCNOH1B?

IS220PCNOH1B is an I/O PACK CANopen Interface

What is the purpose of CANopen?

CANopen is a communication protocol based on the CAN bus. The CANopen standard is beneficial because it allows for off-the-shelf compatibility between devices (nodes) in industrial machinery, for example. It also includes common techniques for configuring devices, even after they have been installed.