DS3800NGDD1C - Ground Detector Board

DS3800NGDD1C - Ground Detector Board DS3800NGDD1C - Ground Detector Board

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Part Number: DS3800NGDD1C
Manufacturer: General Electric
Series: Mark IV
Product Type: Ground Detector Board
Availability: In Stock
Country of Manufacture: United States(USA)

DS3800NGDD1C is a Ground Detector Board manufactured and designed by General Electric. It is a part of the Mark IV Series and used in Speedtronic control systems.

Sequential And Turbine Control

  • An interpreter of a relay ladder diagram language performs the sequencing. The system is simple and easy to learn, but it is more than capable of handling the sequential system required in gas turbine applications. It is adaptable and can easily accommodate tc additions or changes in sequencing.
  • In general, turbine control functions are fixed for a specific turbine design and application (i.e. MS7001E electric power generation). Frequently, the functions can be applied to different turbines with only a few constants changed. Because these functions are fixed, they have been programmed in a high level language, PLM86, but they do use utility routines written in assembly language, ASM86, for execution efficiency.
  • The functions are documented in block diagram style in the software 'elementary. This is much clearer documentation to an operator or maintenance man than a software listing. R, C, and M are examples of typical reference feedback and manipulated variables.
  • The mathematical operator Z-1 represents a one-sample-time delay. The arguments n and n-1 represent sample times, which are commonly thought of as n=now and n-l=last time. The arithmetic functions IADD, ISUB, and IMPY are proprietary routines that perform saturation arithmetic using PLM86 arithmetic op-codes.
  • The multiply function IMPY has a third argument that shifts the product in the 32 bit register before truncation to 16 bits to improve the significance before truncation.

System Features

  • Speedtronic control is a significant departure from older controls in that it is a microprocessor-based distributed control with on-line repair and return to service capabilities. At the moment, it appears that turbine users value the potential for high control system availability that Mark IV provides.
  • Although the display system is conceptually very different from the older dedicated meters and annunciator light box, it has been well received thus far because it provides the operator with more information that is better organized, with some operator configurability and a hard copy option.
  • Mark IV is adaptable to a wide range of applications while maintaining standardized hardware that simplifies manufacturing, diagnostics, and maintenance.

WOC has the largest stock of GE Mark IV Speedtronic OEM Replacement Parts. For pricing and availability on any parts and repairs, kindly get in touch with our team by phone or email.




What is DS3800NGDD1C?
DS3800NGDD1C is a Ground Detector Board manufactured and designed by General Electric

How to Check Price and Availability For the board?
Please Contact World of Controls FZE for sales at +1 609 385 1231 or Request a Quote.